Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2003, 11:29 AM

Shwarma and Greg

Last night I went on a date. It was with a girl I met through an on-line dating service. It was my second date through this service, and the second girl. I realize it is still early in the process but I feel as though I am already destined for a string of one-date-stands. I met her at a local Middle Eastern restaurant. Oh, the joys of Internet dating where you can create a persona that may not be who you are, but is usually some amalgamation of who you are and who you would like to be. She seemed to be somewhat on par with her description. She left out the part about being addicted to 80s hair bands. Her opinion of an athletic body type differs from mine. But it was a fine first date, and I'm sure I will be able to look back on it as a fine only date as well.

Quick summary:

Find parking and feed the meters.
Awaiting her arrival at the Middle Eastern restaurant.
Introductions and ordering.
Chit chat. (mostly back fill on education, siblings, hobbies, profession, etc.)
Offer to walk around as it is still early and stop at coffee shop.
Feed two meters since she parked in same lot (those damn hungry meters)
Six blocks in 20-degree weather to coffee shop.
The curse of glasses -- fogging upon entry.
Two small hot cocoas with whipped cream.
One-sided discussion of 50 all-time top hair bands after touching on nightclub disaster.
Six block walk back to parking lot and truck.
Brief hug and pleasantries exchanged.
1 cup of hot tea, 2 aspirin, hot shower for sore back, check email, bed.

I'm sure history will repeat itself. Such is the Mobius Life.